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Excel mature


Mama Doe
Barley is almost 4years old,which in frenchie years is retiring age.In the past she has suffered with muscle weakness & she has regular bouts of cystitis.The excel, for rabbits of over 5years old,is supposed to be good for joints as well as added cranberry for UTIs so I thought this would be perfect for B.The fibre content & protein etc is the same as the regular excel.Will this be unappropriate for Dill who is only 2.At the moment I just sprinkle some on regular food.As they dont have many pellets they are not getting much so was wondering if it will make any difference one way or the other.:)
I think that mature rabbit pellets are sometimes made from alfalfa hay rather than timothy, so I would probably be tempted to stay mainly on the normal adult food rather than the mature :)
Spoke to Burgess & they said it ok for B but would have to watch Dill on it as it slows metabolism down & he could lose too much weight.At the moment he's a little tubby so wouldn't hurt but decided to keep to normal food & just put mature in treat ball which only B uses.Also not happy about B losing weight as shes not fat by any means.In fact shes quite petite for a frenchie so when have finished this bag,unless their is a massive difference in her health,I wont be buying it again.