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Elliot - My Well loved Teddy

Nicki, what a moving tribute to a very special boy, I'm so sorry. :(:( Sleep tight Elliot. xxx
I've not been around much this last week and had no idea he wasn't doing well.... such a shock.

So sorry for your loss, he was indeed a special bunny.
I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful boy. He had a special place in my heart - he looked just like my Toshi. He sounded like such a lovely friendly boy - one of those special buns that we don't find very often. He had a lucky break finding you guys to love him.

Sleep Tight Beautiful Elliot, and binky your little heart out x x x x x
Im so sorry :( Elliot was just gorgeous and you did all you could for him and showed him how special he was. Binky free at the bridge little one. Thoughts are with you at this sad time though - thanks for helping him.
Elliot got the forever home he desreved and Nicki and her family made such a sad little bun turn into one very happy bun.
Ive only just seen this and i am so so sorry :cry:
He got a home where he felt love and happiness and was surrounded by friends. He can now be at peace knowing he was cared for.
Big hugs to you xxx

Binky free sweet boy, you can now rest xxxx
Thank you everyone. I feel more positive today and can see a bit clearer.
We are going to be putting our efforts into a little memorial plot for elliot so we need to think out the design. Its going to be a little happy memory place. :love:

I am smiling as i think of elliot binkying like mad now - he could never manage any binky's here on earth - probably due to his back legs being quite wasted. I never got to see one from him - i close my eyes and see him binkying all over the place :lol::love:
What lovely words, had me in tears. Well done for giving him such a happy home. i watched your little video earlier and it really made me smile:)
Huge though the impact he had on you has been, remember that you had an even bigger impact on him...there is nothing so valuable as a safe, loving home. I'm so sorry you had such a short time with him :(