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Burns Green Oat Hay - Argghhh!!


Alpha Buck
My buns normally love this and my last order of 5 bags came in last week and they won't touch it :shock:

Its very short and stalky with lots of seed heads which apparently they don't like and are refusing to go near.

I was walking past my local pet shop today and I spotted a lovely green leafy bag which I bought and they are currently chomping their way through, absolutely delighted with it.

I find it infuriating that the quality varies so much....I know hay changes throughout the year and depending on the weather etc but I actually think the buns don't recognise it as the same type of hay.

What has everyone elses orders been like? I guess I am just annoyed that I have wasted £25 on hay that will never get eaten :?
mt last lot was very short stemed and dusty i said i wouldnt order it again. but ive waited 5 months and ordered some more thats due tomorrow.....................i hope its better than last time because it is like you say expencive!
mt last lot was very short stemed and dusty i said i wouldnt order it again. but ive waited 5 months and ordered some more thats due tomorrow.....................i hope its better than last time because it is like you say expencive!

I bought 4 bags off them and 2 were lovely and 2 were short and yellow (like 1 inch lengths) i was angry.........

went to buy some more in case it was a fluke and see they have sold out..........so maybe they were using up the last little rubbish bits
Have had a similar experience over the last few years with variation in quality from Burns for the Green Oat hay. It can be very frustrating.

I too have ordered 6 bags at a time to find they don't like a particular batch full stop. I can usually tell from the smell of the bag when I open it if they are going to eat it to be honest. Normally mine LOVE the seed heads but I have had some bags (last year) where they just wouldn't touch them.

I find if it smells sweet or yeasty then they like it. If it smells dry, of nothing, or musty then they won't touch it.

Last order from hayexperts is going down a treat - thank god! I tend to only order 3 bags at a time at the moment due to variation in quality issues but would never give up completely (although have been tempted) because when it's good it's very good. :wave:
Maybe tip the bag out and let the dusty bits settle to the bottom and you will be left with the bigger bits, my current bag is a bit choppy too but Amber is still eating it thank fully :D
i've noticed it's been shorter aswell but bisc and matt still eat it, but they have been leaving the seed heads which they haven't done before.

they went hyper when they got dustfreehay this time though, it's back to being nice again now, and they were very happy! :love:
they went hyper when they got dustfreehay this time though, it's back to being nice again now, and they were very happy! :love:

:wave: Aww i'm chuffed that they are back to loving the DFH...mine still aren't sure about the stalky but they seem to like the green plastic packed DFH at the moment so I'm sticking with that for now.

Well they have been begging for the leafy burns green oat hay all weekend and trying to pinch it from the bag but now I know that my local pet store stocks it then I will be able to inspect it before I buy :)
I always buy from DFH and have always been happy but this latest 10 batch isn't that good. The buns are all eating it though which is the most important thing obviously. I always go for stalky but the last batch was lush and green with big bits - this batch is really spindly. I did ask them and they said it was because of the weather and different parts of the field. I'm tempted to try a different type of hay as I want a nice green one.