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bonding a six again!!

gill shirlaw

Warren Scout
Hi i am going to attempt to bond a six in a few weeks all are neutered and for a while and have done bondings of a four and twosomes which worked but i did try a six before which didnt and resulted in a four but this is a slightly diff conetation of a six as we sadly lost one of the original four a few weeks ago and i am trying to bond in two singles and a lone buck into the remaining three,

My question is this last time i tried the bond it was in my living room but there were tow very dominent buns that wanted the top dog position which was why it resulted in a four but this time i am going to do it in my very new garage total neutral territory but feel this time i should make the space smaller as last time it was about 8 by 4 was that too big? i have heard a few times about the space being quite small and wonder what size i should be aiming for this time if anybody has done a six or can advice me on size id appreciate it alot thanks

I would probably go for an 9 x 2 or 6 x 3 at maximum space maybe even smaller.

My concern with doing this in your garage is your ability to observe and hear them, if they were indoors would you be able to monitor them more easily. If they are indoor bunnies, could you restrict them at the moment keeping them out of a room for a while so you can use it for bonding.
hi janice thanks for repying, size good to bear in mind as with doing it in my garage it is the only neutral space i have and i was going to sleep in there with them at night till i felt i could leave them i know i will freeze but have heaters in there if i want to use them.

My last six i tried i did do inside in my dining room and that was the only neutral space i had then but through time all my bunnies have spent time upstairs and in my kitchen ect and my son wouldnit have them in his room andmy daughters room is tiny so no go there it is literally the only neutral space i have.

They are all outside bunnied by the wa but thanks for your advice any more appreciated.