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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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any help much appreciated, myxomatosis.

i am new on here, is there anyone that has had an unvaccinated bunny survive myxi, i have 9 buns at home and 2-3 weeks ago i got a 4 month old continental giant rosy, she started having v slightly weepy eyes last monday-tuesday, which i thought was something irritating her eyes, on thursday i noticed a little bump on her nose, i made an appointment with the vet suspecting myxi, on friday her eyes started swelling, its now tuesday and have come back from the vets again today as i thought she may be dehydrated, the vet said she wasnt but gave her fluids under the skin anyway, he also gave her metacam. she has been on baytril orally since friday and biolapis and i have been giving her benebac. at the moment she is still eating fresh foods such as parsley, grass, and blackberry leaves, i have caught her munching bits of hay here and there, she is also occassionaly drinking from a bowl, i am giving her fluids, bio lapis and recovery feed, she is upstairs with us at the moment. she still grooms herself and is relatively lively (for a rabbit with myxi) she does put up a fight with force feeding and medication. anyone know of ANYTHING else i can do for her.


just to clarify i do know about myxomatosis, i have had rabbits for a long time, spent much time studying them although i have not ever had a rabbit go through myxi i really wanted to speak to someone else who has.
she is a very special bunny and i sure as hell am not going to give up on her.

rabbits have recovered from myxi rare but they have. ( i desperately hope my bun is one of them).

it started with a lump on her nose and slightly weepy eyes, yes she does have lumps on her ears and nose.
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Unfortunately the chances of an unvaccinated rabbit surviving the horrendous disease of Myxomatosis are pretty minimal. I know a lot of people on here wouldn't attempt to try and save with full - on myxo if they haven't been vacced.
Personally, i would put an unvaccinated bun with mxyi to sleep.

Even if she does survive (highly unlikely)

She will always have a very low immune system and pick up all manner of infections.
Does your rabbit have lumps? That's a sign of nodular mxyi which seems more treatable.
it started as a lump on her nose and watery eyes. she has lumps on her ears and on her nose, i am hopeing it is this form as i know it is easier to treat. vet doesnt think she ids a hopeless case. (he is a good vet)
If you go back through the health section or try the search there were several rabbits with nodular myxi last summer I think.
Sounds like it is more like Nodular Myxomatosis.
I know Tinsel had 2 bunnies with this. Captain Carrot :)love:) and his wifey.
I personally would have an unvac rabbit with myxi put to sleep. As 2 years ago one of my unvac rabbits caught myxi and I tried to nurse him through it and it was awful and not an experience I would go through again as he passed away but it was just awful seeing him deteriate. Since then all my buns are always up to date with their vacs.
if every rabbit domestic or wild is killed because they have myxomatosis HOW are they ever going to build up any immunity to it?

rabbits can survive myxi it has happened, wild rabbits are more immune than domestic but even domestic rabbits have survived myxomatosis.

my rabbit is not in pain and i think she should have her chance. who am i to decide that she should die.
I think that the decision to PTS or not is one that should be made by the Veterinary Surgeon and the Care-giver alone.
We all base our opinions on our previous experiences and that of our trusted Vet