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6ft single tier - is it big enough? please answer asap. xx

ive found some great introductory prices online.

Most of my hutches are 2 tier but were extremely expensive. Id love to make my own but im hopeless at DIY.

The one im interested in, mainly for quality and price is a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft.

It is only a single tier hutch though, is this still big enough for 1 or 2 buns?
So long as they have plenty of free range time, or a large attached run, that's fine. Please make it 2 buns though cuz they always need a friend. :)
So long as they have plenty of free range time, or a large attached run, that's fine. Please make it 2 buns though cuz they always need a friend. :)

I already have 3 buns at home :)

They all have double tier hutches, although i cant really afford a double tier this time, they do get out a lot though :)
An attached run is by far the ideal - a (( Hutch over run )) isn't that much more than a hutch on its own but gives the rabbits the freedom to go out when they choose to.

Is this for 3 rabbits or for 2? Because a hutch alone (even with run) isn't really big enough for 3 rabbits. :)
I prefer single storey hutches with a big run to a double storey hutch, as you loose a quarter of the floor space top and bottom with the hole and ramp with the doubles.
It's a lovely size for 2 rabbits (1 would be very lonely on its own :() but only with an attached run imo. With the best will in the world, even if the buns had all day free ranging, they would still have to spend all night in just the hutch. :)
Is it just for a tempory house before you bond? You may be able to get a 6ft double second hand, as cheap as the single. I'd say a single tier is fine for 2 rabbits (with an attched run) but for 3 you'll need a double tier so they can 'get away from each other' when they feel like it. :)