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Search results

  1. S

    Tragic news :(

    OMG! Have just seen this having seen your Facebook status. So sorry Marie, it must be terrible to lose them both in such a tragic accident. I hope you start to feel a little better soon :( My rabbit Barney died at my mums house 8 years ago now whilst I was in the maldives and as I was away for 2...
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    I got 2 bags after reviews on here and thank God have just used the last of it! I have gone back to wood cat litter pellets. The megazorb smelt like a farm yard after a day with my 2 and even after a day I would empty it and there would be urine running along the bottom of the tray no matter how...
  3. S

    Whats this?

    Its the outer bit of the broad beans. My neighbour keeps chucking bags full over the fence for the bunnys and I say thank you very much and chuck them I'm afraid :oops: I don't know why really, but they just didn't look edible to the bunnys
  4. S

    Bottle Springs where do you get them?

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110266828684&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:Watchlink:middle:uk Like these? I have been looking for them as well but only just found them!
  5. S

    Almost lost my rabbits!

    I think I am going to move them to the very top of the garden once its cleared and build a big enclosure. We haven't been here long and its not been touched for years. My other half found 46 pampus grasses up there and thats just a small area! Luckily the rest of the garden is clear.
  6. S

    Almost lost my rabbits!

    I went out to check on the buns who were in their run on the grass yesterday afternoon to find them gone with the door on the run wide open! Oh my God did I panic. I spotted Charlotte almost straight away under the trampoline, but Oscar was no where to be seen. After what seemed like about an...
  7. S

    Rex pictures, please?

    Charlotte and Oscar
  8. S

    What is best for litter tray, hay or non clumping cat litter?

    I used wood based pellets when I first got Oscar and Charlotte, but purchased 2 huge bags of megazorb last month based on reccomendations from here. I have to say I don't like it! I'm sure I am the only one that doesn't, but I find it sticks in the trays and smells yuck! Also almost as soon as...
  9. S

    Pets at home

    Bluebunny, I bet your local one is the same as my local one!
  10. S

    Pets at home

    Should I say something to head office? A few weeks ago I went into pets at home for emergency supplies before my holiday and found this: The poor bunnies ears were touching the top of this cage top. Its hard to tell from the picture but everytime it tried to move, it was getting irritated that...
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    Neutering females - is it essential?

    I had my 17 week old bunnies done on Friday (Male and Female) and they were fine. Strangely enough Charlotte did really well and was her normal self a few hours later and it took Oscar a good 48 hours to feel a bit better. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
  12. S

    Oscar and Charlotte both at the vets, very nervous!

    They are back home and Charlotte seems fine but Oscar is very subdued. I have seen him drink and eat a couple of pellets, but I haven't seen him wee or poo. I have brought them inside for tonight and they have some beddy bears to keep them warm!
  13. S

    Poorly Buns - I am Struggling -U/D 28th June Feeling a Bit Better :-)

    Bloody hell! What a thing to witness. I would never want to go out again. Hoping things improve with the bunnys, it never rains and all that.
  14. S

    Can we have some vibes for my poor Callisto please U/D: I've lost her :'(

    Oh no! Finger crossed for her, she is so beautiful.
  15. S

    Oscar and Charlotte both at the vets, very nervous!

    Oscar and Charlotte are being neutered and spayed today, and I am hoping the fact I haven't heard anything from the vets is a good sign? She semed confdent in what she was doing, although I she usually spays at 6 months (mine are both 4 months on 2nd July) I am keeping everything crossed for my...
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    My Dougal bun has stasis :( U/D Tues 8pm :) pg 6

    Fingers and toes crossed for Dougal. I hope you get some good news today:cry:
  17. S

    Rex Bunnies

    Heres mine. They will be 14 weeks on Sunday! Charlotte Oscar and Charlotte
  18. S


    Sorry to hear about bubbles, RIP little one.
  19. S

    Princess Caramel

    I don't know what to say. I really thought she would get better :cry: Take heart in the fact that she was so special because you made her this way from the love you gave her. She had a happy life with you and would want you to be proud of all you did for her. Take care Clare
  20. S

    A Message......

    Sorry to hear about Princess, she sounded lovely. Keep trying to remember the good stuff, she wouldn't want to see you sad.