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  1. L

    Jacob Nethie REHOMED

    I love love love him!!! If only two boys would get on together :( :( :( Fi x
  2. L

    Update on Jack!

    Hello :wave: Just to let you know Jack is improving so much! He's now off soaked oats and pellets, onto the normal dry pellets, which he's munching up! He's also eating his hay as he should be, and as a result his poops are looking near-perfect! He's still a very skinny lil fella, but if he...
  3. L

    Photographs of Jack at last!

    Oh heck. It didn't say that in the rabbit book, just that porriage oats are good for weight gain. I'm off to soak them in kettle water now. Thanks for the advise x
  4. L

    Photographs of Jack at last!

    They are dry porriage oats (not soaked in anything).
  5. L

    Photographs of Jack at last!

    I've just taken these photographs of our lil'baby Jack. He's not too well at the moment, but today has been an improvement in eating and poops (as you can see from the photos!). He's very thin at the moment (although you can't really see it in the photos due to his baby fluff fur), but we are...
  6. L

    Hello again (so so worried :-( )

    I've just done a google search on mucoid enteritis, and it's constantly saying that this disease has a high mortality rate:shock::(:cry: Am I going to lose Jack?:cry:
  7. L

    Hello again (so so worried :-( )

    Water intake seems to be the only good thing at the moment. He's drinking and weeing as normal. I will take ur advice regards the pineapple juice. Thank you x
  8. L

    Hello again (so so worried :-( )

    He did have bloat yes. I was hoping he was recovering from this as his poops seemed to be improving. Sadly, not though :( His poo hasn't been tested, even though I took in a sample originally. He's eating burgess excell, oat & timothy hay. At the moment, he's simply having a nibble, and that's...
  9. L

    Hello again (so so worried :-( )

    Something to do with helping his tummy. He isn't on any medication at the moment, other than bio-lapis. He's been on a course of panacur, and had injections to release the gas in his stomach. Other than that, the vet has given him an examination and that's it! Very worried :(
  10. L

    Hello again (so so worried :-( )

    Hello again :wave: Just wanted to give a little update on Jack. Things are not good I'm afraid :( He's finished his course of panacur, and has since lost quite a bit of weight, to the point where he's feeling quite boney :( He's been back to the vets, who advised bio-lapis in his water, and...
  11. L

    Food question again! Sorry!

    Hi, Lil'Jack is still doing ok,his poops are back to normal now and enjoys tucking into this hay and pellets. I have a couple of questions though to ask. He's just coming towards the end of his course of panacur. To me, he feels to be on the thin side (probably just me overreacting again...
  12. L

    Update on Jack

    Thanks :D By the way, you have beautiful pets in your sig!
  13. L

    Update on Jack

    Hiya :wave: Just a little update on my lil'boy Jack. Well great news! His tummy has completely deflated and returned to normal :D His character is far more active and naughty now, but I see that as a good sign as I suspect he must have been uncomfortable carrying around all that gas! Poops are...
  14. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Interesing point, I might look into that when Jacks feeling a little better :D Thank you :D
  15. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Aww thank you! I have to admit I was stressing out quite a bit. I think I am on edge because it's all new to me. :lol: The vet is really great, Sara recommended him to me :D Jack is in good hands :D
  16. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Hi :wave: Well, we're back from the vets and Jack is now settled back at home. The vet gave him a thorough health check, listening to his chest, taking his temperature etc (everything was normal). The vet agreed that Jack was alittle bloated, but said it wasn't too severe and certainly nothing...
  17. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Just an update, Sara will be coming along with me to the vets and taking Jacks brother with her (so the vet can look at him too), although he is showing no symptoms like Jack. Fi x
  18. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Thank you, that is an interesting article. Fingers crossed my boy doesn't have that, but it is certainly better to be prepared. I'm very grateful for your help. Fi x
  19. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Thanks Jane, I have written down Coccidiosis incase I forget or mispronounce it. What is the likely treatment for this condition? I want to ensure that Jack gets the best medicine/treatment straight away. Thanks
  20. L

    Swollen tummy...worried (UPDATE)

    Hi Jane, yes Jack is a baby. He's only 10 weeks old. I've got an appointment at 5.10pm tonight with the vet. I was just wondering what to expect, and if there's anything I can do for him in the meantime. It's awful feeling so helpless. Jack is my first bunny, and I feel like I'm letting him...