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Search results

  1. B

    Do you make cooked foods for your Buns?

    Bullet is very spoiled, sometimes I think too spoiled lol. I boil him brown rice, corn, carrots, broccoli, peas and tomatoes. I only give him very little but he LOVES his food cooked, Tho I always give him raw food every single day & cooked like once a week. So do your bunnies get cooked...
  2. B

    lil Bullet Pics

    Here's some shots of my baby bun bun, He's starting to eat apples and lots of veggies now so I've cut back on pellets. I also got him a new cage which was only $40, he really likes it.
  3. B

    Bullet is very smart LOL.

    I think rabbits DO understand human speech in some ways. :shock: Ok so Bullet likes to go in my clothes rack but I don't want him to smell up my clothes because for some reason he'll leave poops in there lol, so today he was sneaking into the clothes when I looked at him and said ''No Bullet...
  4. B

    Bullet's Diet?

    Hey, Bullet my new bun bun has been doing great. He's already potty trained at 8 or 9 weeks old and is able to run around all day. He was born on December 5th 2007. ANYWAY....... I have a question about his diet. Right now he's eating pellets, timothy hay & water of course. I was reading...
  5. B

    Meet Bullet Shaddix!

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and I just got a new bunny yesterday. I call him Bullet Shaddix or Bullet for short. He was born blind in one eye but either way he gets around fine. He's a breed of Holland lop only he like never sheds, he won't leave a single hair on my white shirts...
  6. B

    Ehh There,

    Obviously I'm new to the forum, My name is Christina and I rescue both wild and pet birds. I own 2 budgies, 1 lovebird and now a bunny. I'm also hand feeding a linnie right now which is a type of parakeet. Look forward to posting more on here, I'll be adding some photos of my new bunny...