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  1. S


    Thanks for your kind words. I did have four buns, but now only three :cry:
  2. S

    Bunny died overnight

    Thanks for everyone's kind words. I do have three other bunnies. A bonded pair and a little boy who lives on his own at the moment. They all seem absolutely fine, but I'm keeping an eye on them - poor alfie was fine one minute and then an hour later he was covered in really smelly runny...
  3. S

    Bunny died overnight

    We buried him this morning - I did think of havng a PM, but couldnt bear to actually go through with it. Feel really bad that he was on his own and wish I'd stayed up with him so at least he would've had someone with him when he went. x
  4. S

    Bunny died overnight

    Thanks, it's a really good job I'm not at work today because I can't stop crying! I'm 23!!
  5. S

    Bunny died overnight

    Hi all My six month old dwarf lop suddenly got the runs yesterday evening and died overnight - was perfectly healthy, with no diet changes etc. He lived on his own and I've got three other rabbits. What can cause such a sudden attack of the runs like that? Could I have saved him overnight...
  6. S


    Hi everyone, I love Rabbit Rehome but have never used the forum. Thought I'd say hello to you all as I'm very sad today one of my dwarf lops died overnight, he was only six months old and was perfectly fine until last night when he had bad runs and didn't make it through the night. So so sad x