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Search results

  1. R

    My old bun is mounting my new one

    I'm very nervous, this week we brought a new baby home, she's about 8 weeks, the bonding went well and they are getting along but occasionally my other bunny Riley will nip and then mount the baby, what can I do? She has a vet appointment next friday, i'm looking to get her spayed will this...
  2. R

    Worried about my first bunny

    Our first rabbit Riley has been acting weird today, as some of you may know we just got a new baby bun the other day, her name is Jester. Today Riley has started following me and my gf around and not leaving our side, everywhere we go she's there. Her and the baby are getting along wonderfully...
  3. R

    Question about new bunny introduction

    So we've had our Dwarf bunny Riley for about 3 months now and she's about 5 months old. We decided today to get a new girl, she's a dwarf/mini lop mix named Jester and she's only about a month and half old. Our knowledgeable local pet store said it would be ok to have them together and i...