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Search results

  1. D

    Litter Trai.. yeah you know

    Haha this is probably the most repeated thread in the entire forum (i searched but couldn't find an answer) and I know I haven't been at it for too long, but thought i'd ask anyway :lol: Our french lop girlie isn't spayed and we've had her for about 12 days. She's taken to weeing in the litter...
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    Too late to spey??

    Hello again.. We've gotten a new french lop girlie that a woman needed to rehome as explained earlier.. an absolutley brilliant happy, relaxed wee girlie (we claim she's actually a little dog in a rabbit suit ;) ) runs circles around you when you come downstairs, grunts like a wee piggie, rolls...
  3. D

    Two dead in 48 hrs... ETA again: Maybe not??

    ok well news, anyway... Vet didn't think it was VHD, as she said that usually there's a large outbreak all at once and nothing else has been found or reported, so she thinks it's probably just a bacterial infection. I told the shelter yesterday, but they don't have any smallies (dogs and cats...
  4. D

    Two dead in 48 hrs... ETA again: Maybe not??

    Just back in from looking at Peanut... It's VHD. i didn't notice any symptoms before but his nose is bleeding (PM), legs are straight out, and head is pointed upwards (trying to get breath)... I hadn't seen the body yesterday as I was away all day, but my brother said there was nothing unusual...
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    Two dead in 48 hrs... ETA again: Maybe not??

    I'm not sure if they were done for vhd but will enquire the vets on Monday. Thanks for the help and everyones comments x Eta: didn't notice any breathing problems or nosebleeds but will enquire anyway
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    Two dead in 48 hrs... ETA again: Maybe not??

    oh.. Dustbunny (in the display pic) was 3 years old, Peanut was approx 2
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    Two dead in 48 hrs... ETA again: Maybe not??

    Hello everyone.. some of you may remember me.. I haven't been on in a while, and didn't leave on the most positive note, but I wish i could come back with better news. Dustbunny (nethie dwarf) died unexpectedly on Thursday. Found him laying stiff in the hay box, half covered in hay... No signs...
  8. D


    hehehe... LA Galaxy before David Beckham :lol: :lol: :lol: Very cute!
  9. D

    reasons to become veggi **WARNING**

    Fairly spoken!!! (this time I won't write a novel... promise ;) ) Our family never goes to McDonalds... that place is just disgusting even without an Animal Rights Activist's views!!! We don't eat out much because it is so expensive. Our meat is bought from our local supermarket, in which I...
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    reasons to become veggi **WARNING**

    Quote: to keep the milk coming (instead of running out when the baby doesn’t need it any more) they constantly suck it out and have the mother cow (crying for the baby) in a small, metal cage which has a floor of concrete and no grass to graze on; just moan grass and steroids. How could any one...
  11. D

    bathing rabbits

    awfully cute!! :love: I had to bathe Dustbunn's rear once because he sat in a squishy poo (:oops: ), and he didn't like it at all!!! (I still have the scars where he jumped out of the sink, climbed up my soaking wet shirt and clung to my shoulders shivering after I got one of his paws wet...
  12. D

    Disinfectant to clean rabbit hutch

    You can use White vinegar, but what I would do is (if you can get a semi-nice day like today) try and hose out the cage to completely clean everything out. (obviously be sure to let the cage dry before you put bedding or the bunnies in ;) )The disenfectant I use is called Keep it Clean, and...
  13. D

    Good brushes?

    I use a slicker brush, but i've found that the best way to get loads of hair off dustbunny in a short bit of time is just pull it out. if it's dead hair, all it needs is a gentle pull, and as he's not that big on any brush, it makes much less of a fuss. Obv wouldn't recommend for everyday...
  14. D

    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    turns out, we'll be leaving on Monday. Meaning that the shops might be open (if we're lucky) and if they can get it cut, we'll be able to put the run together!!!!!!!! We'll have to finish it once we get back- ie sanding, etc, but I don't think dustbunny will care too much how rough the top of...
  15. D

    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    No, I can't keep them in a bun-proof room (but a good idea nonetheless!) as our friends that own the home aren't thrilled about pets in the house (it's a weird situation- don't ask ;) ). The only room that we could even possibly use has wires which we wouldn't be able to move away from the...
  16. D

    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    ;) gotcha elve Just rang my friend who used to own a rabbit.. she doesn't have a run. I was hoping she would have. Well... what I may have to end up doing is clearing out a bit of the garage and just have my friend put him down there (under supervision) on raining days (:lol: :lol: every...
  17. D

    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twelfth lol shows how many people aren't from NI here!!!:roll: I won't express my views on these events as I don't want to start a political debate, however it's basically a huge national holiday in NI with mostly protestants celebrating their union with the...
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    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    It was the 12th of july yesterday, so everything's closed for a coupla days. Trust me here- basically nothing's open. And yes, my friend knows how to handle rabbits as I showed her how.
  19. D

    Oh dear- in a bit of a pickle U/D Brill News!!!!!

    You know that 6x6 run i was very happy about? turns out we won't be able to make it until AFTER we go on vacation for a week as dad never got the wood even though i've been bugging him for the past 2-3 days about it:evil: :evil: :evil: All the hardware shops will be closed for tomm and prob...
  20. D

    hehehe... 6X6 run!!!

    No lid... Dustbunny isn't a jumper, and he's a bit small, and the walls are plenty high. erm.... the sides are made of plywood :oops: :oops: . It is in the garage, though, and it's mainly for the nights, so overall it shouldn't matter too much. Once we get it up and see how it works, if it is...