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Search results

  1. S

    licky bunnies

    is it normal rabbits licking you to death? my baby bunny is licking me terribly lol but is this ok she seems to be to tame for a unhandled bunny and has agressive mum im thinking can she be ill and may just look tamer cause shes down?
  2. S

    what breed?

    what breed and colour is my new bun? she is only 7 weeks old. thank you
  3. S

    sad story *Rats*

    this is whats happened to me yesterday and today i feel really bad.... Well our poor doe rat Ghost got pregnant some how and we didn't know. she was in with her other 6 friends and yesterday she had babies because she had them in that cage the other had eaten or torn 6 apart. 4 was alive but...
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    new bunny

    think it goes here... there was a women who was rehoming bunnies some of you may of known about she still has them all except the one i just took. i went to check it all out and took her to get new stuff for bunnies. shes copinf well actually thought she would of gave it all up and left...
  5. S

    My ratties...*pic heavy*

    The ratties...This may sound mean but when these die i will be breeding a year after since i have 31 pet rats i can not possible breed when i have that many pet rats already lol Spidler in the car... Jd with me sleeping. Spid with bread on her head. :lol: Spid on my tummy Again...
  6. S

    My bunny

    Well he is housed on his own now...he was with a g-pig (all his life) but Patch got eaten by a fox. so me not knowing best i go get 3 g-pigs for him to go with but got people telling me he shouldn't be with g-pigs but he doesn't get on with ny rabbit so now on his own... Any advise? Now i have...