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  1. J

    weird question

    Hey guys. Does anyone know here if there's any way to tell the approximate age of a rabbit?
  2. J


    Okay, here's the situation. My rabbit's had several abcess surgeries and I thought was on her way to recovery. I pick her up to give her some baytril tonight, and she's wheezing, it's really hard to describe, but it's like wheezy, crackling noise, and when I press gently on her rib cage it does...
  3. J

    Abcessed bunny... pregnant? HELP

    Alrighty, my bunny Starr is just over one year old. She has three tooth root abcesses and has already had 4 surgeries for them. A few weeks ago, my little sisters let my buck out and I found them in the same cage together... I thought he was only in there for a few seconds, and I wasn't too...
  4. J

    Here is my baby chick.

    His name is Akoko. He's got 2 brothers and sisters, but they're white and I can't get a good picture of them.
  5. J

    More surgery.

    Starr had to go in for another operation. She got three teeth pulled and the vet said that the infection was now in her jawbone :( Has anyone ever gone through this?
  6. J


    Alright. I've been talking about Starr, she's got three abcesses on her face, they've already been lanced, but the vet that did it didn't send away a culture, I had to go to another vet to find out that it was pasteurella. Anyways I have to go for ANOTHER surgery on monday. My problem is...
  7. J

    Cuddly bunnies?

    Well. I've had rabbits before, but I've never had one like Starr. She's like... a cat. A really friendly cat. She follows me around the house, she jumps onto the couch and onto my lap when I'm sitting down. And when she's on my lap, she shoves her nose into my neck and grinds her teeths. She's...
  8. J

    Three abcesses?

    I posted about my Starr a few weeks ago. She was losing all her fur so I took her into the vet to find out that she had an abcess. Well we've been draining it and flushing it twice a day and she's on antibiotics, but it doesn't seem to be going down. Now to add to the problem about a week...
  9. J

    Please can someone help me... [UPDATE]

    Well, I mentioned that my female bunny has been losing her fur and a lot of people mentioned moulting. I gave in to my instincs and took her to the vet when I found a lump on her jaw. It turns out that she has an abcess in her cheek. She's there overnight for surgery, they're going to call me...
  10. J

    Bunny's losing her fur.

    Well I heard that bunnies can lose their fur in the springtime, but I was wondering to what extreme. She had two litters since september, both of which were lost, we're having her spayed once her fur grows back all the way. But I was wonder if it could be hormones, or if it's just her losing her fur