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Search results

  1. S

    Please help...she's so skinny...

    Hello there. We had a family of 4 bonded girly buns, a mum and 3 daughters. We've had them a few months now from a local rescue. They have all been in good health, with no teeth or nail problems etc, they all eat VERY well and get through huge amounts of hay. 2 days ago we came down in the...
  2. S

    How many Bunnies do you have?

    We have 6. 2 house buns, Dougal and Ebony. And a Mummy and 3 daughters outside, Poppy (mummy), Primrose, Fifi and Violet. Just wondering how many everyone else has? Iknow some people foster/care too.... Lise x
  3. S

    My family of 4 - questions re mounting and squabbling?

    Hello there, As some of youmay have read, we recently got a family of 4 female lops, a Mum and 3 daughters. Mum is 1yr old, daughters are 5 months. Since we have had them (Almost a week) there has been a little squabbling in the hutch, mainly them all mounting eachother at some point or...
  4. S

    We have FIVE (!!) new bunnies....questions!

    Hello all, Well after losing Smidge we decided we wanted to offer a home to rescue bunnies ASAP. We're still gutted about Smidge and miss her lots, but we had a huge space just waiting for bunnies, and oodles of love. Soooooo, I had a look on Rabbit rehome, and found a nearby rescue with...
  5. S

    My rabbit has suddenly died :(

    I dont know what to do :( My partner Matt has just gone out to check Smidge and she is dead :( :( :( I am heartbroken. She was fine yesterday, hopping around the garden as usual. She is now lying in her nest box, and has died. We have only had her a month, and when we took her to be neutered...
  6. S

    Toys? What sort do your Rabbit(s) have?

    I was just wondering really... Smidge has a few balls that jingle, and a kind of woven ball, almost like cord, she has a carrot thingy too that jingles and has different textures. She doesnt seem to have touched any of them! She also has a Gaint "Chube" which she occaisionally walks through...
  7. S

    Food question...mixing Science Selective with.....

    Hello :) We will be adopting Dougal from Jill at Honeybunnies, this Friday. On the phone this morning she told me he has Science Selective mixed with AMP? What is AMP!? We want to get this so we can continue feeding him the same way! Hope I got that right... TIA. Lise x
  8. S

    Hellooo :) Newbie....

    Hello there, Thought I would introduce myself as I have been lurking here since the weekend after my partner Matt found this forum through Rabbit Rehome. I'm Lise, soon to be 26, and I live in Nottingham with my partner Matt, and our 2 little girls, Grace, who recently turned 2 and Lilah...