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Search results

  1. H

    Help - need advice on my neglected bunny!

    Hi - I am not sure how old she is - the SSPCA didn't know - we are taking her to the vet to see if she is spayed. She was always quite destructive even when she was in the flat when we were spending a lot of time with her. She eats every cable she comes across, rips sofa covers, nibbles...
  2. H

    Help - need advice on my neglected bunny!

    do you have a link for them? (no link attached on your post?)
  3. H

    Help - need advice on my neglected bunny!

    I don't actually know if she has been spayed or not? I can take her to the vet and find out. The cage she is in is about 4ft by 2ft high - it was the biggest cage we could get- she is quite a big bunny though. Thats why i always make sure she gets out for as long as possible every day. I...
  4. H

    Help - need advice on my neglected bunny!

    Hi - I need some advice. I bought my bunny from the SSPCA about a year ago. We had a flat at the time and eventually managed to get her litter trained after 3 months although she still continued to pee on the sofa every time she went on (territorial I presume?). She was quite affectionate and...