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Search results

  1. B

    Is it safe to move my rabbit outdoors? What precautions do I need to take?

    Hello everyone! I'm finally done with classes and Bugs and I will be moving out of the dorms on Saturday! :D :wave: That also means Bugs will be returning home. He's had free range of my room, and for this reason I don't want him to be confined to his cage when we get back. (This was the reason...
  2. B

    How would you define rabbit affection?

    Thanks for sharing your stories everyone! I hope with time Bugs will begin to trust me more...he's coming out of his shell...He's getting attention so I don't think he's depressed as he was back home. I don't think his personality is particularly affectionate, but perhaps he will prove me wrong!
  3. B

    How would you define rabbit affection?

    Yes, I live in a dorm, and it is illegal to keep anything pet related, except for fish, but I don't really care. I know if the RA found out I had a rabbit he would probably tell the hall director, and he would have to move back home. But I plan on keeping him a secret, and have done so for a...
  4. B

    How often do you take your bun in for checkups?

    Is myxi a problem in the US?
  5. B

    How often do you take your bun in for checkups?

    Now that I think about it, Bugs has not seen a vet since he was neutered years ago. I would like to take him to a vet sometime in the near future. I believe he is in good health (A month of living with me has done him so much good! :D) but I guess I'd like to get him checked out. How often do...
  6. B

    How would you define rabbit affection?

    Thanks for sharing Catherine! Your picture reminds me -- sometimes Bugs will take his front paws and "dig" on my shoulder and then pull at my t-shirt sleeve with his teeth...I'm kind of a wimp because he use to bite me so I'm afraid that will get some of my skin...would you say this is a sign of...
  7. B

    Growing your own grass in pots...

    Right now I'm growing wheat grass in my room just under a flourescent light fixture. I started the seeds only 5 days ago and I already have a nice amount of grass...In fact I'm about to plant the rest of my seed tonight...I'm also growing some lettuce in my room...not so sure how well it will...
  8. B

    How would you define rabbit affection?

    I've been spending a lot of time with Bugs since he moved into the dormitory with me last month. I've really enjoyed the time we have spent together, and I think we have bonded, but I can't say that Bugs in particularly affectionate toward me. He will nudge up against me if he wants something or...
  9. B


    So I've read things about the benefits of wheatgrass...I haven't had it but my parakeets have! I just started some seeds in hopes of feeding some to Bugs but I wanted to check here if anyone's read anything against doing so. Thanks! By the way, Bug's tummy is 100 percent. I'm hoping to save...
  10. B

    Let us introduce ourselves... :D

    Hello, Hello from the US! I thought I would quickly introduce myself along with my main man, Bugs. We are two tough dudes who will get in your face if you mess with us... :evil: Okay, so not really. My family has had our hunny for a few years now, since 2004 I'd say (Why don't I keep records...
  11. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Hmm, so more poop on his butt this morning -- the smell isn't so skunky, but it worries me. I think I will have to take him in. What kind of tests should I expect?
  12. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Denny, Thanks for the compliments and the reply. So I woke up today, and saw that his bum was covered in a smaller clump of poop, so I cleaned it up before I went to class, and as of right now his butt is pretty clean. (I wasn't able to get it totally off and I don't want to rub in raw ) The...
  13. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Bugs was a classroom pet for two years I believe before he came to live with my family. I guess the teacher thought it was necessary to have him declawed. Would have been better to get a hamster. :idea: :idea: I really appreciate all your help! I look forward to learning more to provide the...
  14. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Yes, I suppose Bugs is overweight. You see, at home other than being fed he wasn't out much, poor fella. I hate to admit it, but although my family loves animals, I am really the only one who helps ensure proper care. When we first got him from the elementary school teacher, he was addicted to...
  15. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    :oops: Haha, NO! I actually fed him just a tablespoon of banana at most.
  16. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Re: Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? Well, I suppose they kind of do, but they are rather soft, and are just totally clumped together....
  17. B

    Skunky, smelly and sticky bowels...What's going on? [Pics]

    Hello, hello! Let me first give a little background on what's going on with my rabbit. About three years ago, our family adopted Bugs. Bugs was a classroom pet for a few years I believe, until one of my sister's classmates turned out to be allergic to to him, and thus the teacher had to give him...