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  1. R


    hi is it cruel to keep your rabbit with a collar on it and may it be dangerous. many thanks Ryan Harper
  2. R

    Yellow paws

    usally they will get yellow feet if they have a straw bedding as when people show rabbits thay will only have a wood shaving bed. Ryan
  3. R

    Vibes for Blue please..... FRI AM UPDATE!!

    get welll soon
  4. R

    nick names

    I like to call my rabbit cuties or cookie
  5. R

    anyone have this hutch?!

    i was thinking of getting it but what i was going to do with it was cover the door back and 2 side in ship lap for more insulation
  6. R

    MY rabbits

    no they are not spayed
  7. R

    MY rabbits

    HI i have two female rabbits whcih are a year old in april and for a while i have noticed one has started to chace the other one around and start humping it is there any way to stop this. As it don't look really nice. Many thanks Ryan Harper
  8. R

    Breeding rabbits

    hi i am planning to start breeding rabbits on avarage how often do the mother reject them. If the mother does reject the bunnies where could i get cat's milk which people say is the best milk to use. Also could you tell me if there are any other main points to take into consideration. Many...
  9. R

    rabbit ear

    no they havent been spayed but why would getting them spayed help?
  10. R

    rabbit ear

    hi i have two mini lop rabbits and one of them has started to lick the other ear making it look sore but the rabbit don't seem to care. Does anyone have any suggestions to stop the rabbit licking the other rabbit's ear? Many Thanks Ryan Harper