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Search results

  1. S

    Bunny friendly lawn feed?

    Does it exist? My lawn is in desperate need of TLC - can anyone recommend some products to use on it - thats safe for my buns and cats?
  2. S

    Plant pot protection ideas?!

    Hello! I have two free-range bunnies & I have tried everything to stop the little naughties from eating my plants & flowers! Last year we replaced all the pots with big tall ones - they can't reach the tallest ones, but the slightly shorter ones - they will just jump up onto them and then jump...
  3. S

    Bonding this w/e - another bonding question!

    hi - sorry another bonding thread! I'm bonding my two girls this w/e. Yesterday there was lots of tumbling, fighting and fur pulling and I got bitten! No real fighting today, but Rosie the youngest 5mths is scared of Jess still. Jess washes her, but she's getting frustrated that Rosie won't...
  4. S

    How soon after speying, can I bond?

    Hey lovies, Thinking of getting Rosie spey soon, she'll be 4 months in a weeks time. How soon after can I bond her with Jessica?
  5. S

    How many of you have bonded female buns?

    Just wondering, if many of you have a pair of girls? Did any of you bond them yourselves? I'm thinking of bonding mine next month, and I know when I bonded Jessica with Jasper, Jessica was a bit of a mare - she's quite highly strung! Just wondering if it will be harder to bond her to Rosie as...
  6. S

    When to get Rosie speyed? Before bonding?

    Hi all, Rosie is 3 months now, I think its 4 months is the earliest to get buns speyed? Is it best to do it before or after bonding with Jess?
  7. S


    Hi all, Can buns catch colds? I'm not sure, but my Rosie (10 wks old) keeps sneezing every now and then. Should I keep her warm etc? Oh and another thing I've noticed which I find strange, when she drinks water (out of a bowl) she seems to make gurling noises, not sure if its her drinking or...
  8. S

    Meet Rosie!!!

    Hi all, After much painful consideration after my J-boy died, we decided to get a new bun friend for Jess. We've been told she's a girl, after initial thoughts a boy! She's about 8 weeks old, and we've named her Rosie! When she's old enough and been speyed, we shall bond her with Jess, who is...
  9. S

    What is the youngest age you can bond bunnies?

    Hi all - as above really!
  10. S

    My J-boy - I love you xxxx

    RIP my Jasper 18/9/07 I loved you so much, you made me laugh every day, you were so friendly and funny, you really were a great friend! I will look after your Jess for you, I know she misses you and you can never be replace in our hearts.
  11. S

    Jaspers died :o( advice needed for Jessica

    I can't believe it he's dead! He seemed to perk up, I was sleeping in the kitchen , something woke me up and he was breathing funny, and the next he seemed to stop! Anyway I don't want to talk about it now, I just can't stop crying, and I've been sick. Wot I wanted to ask was, we've left...
  12. S

    Going on holiday - what to do about the creatures!?

    Hi all, hopefully going on a weeks hol in a few weeks - nowt fancy just down the south coast. The last time we went on hols was over 2 years ago, and I didn't have bunnies then, just the two cats. I hired a pet sitter who popped in twice a day to feed and water them. I have a few concerns...
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    Hey all, Are Gladioli posionious to buns?
  14. S

    Papaya tablets with pineapple - where?

    J & J have nearly run out!!! Can't remember where I got them from - online somewhere. Anyone know where I can buy some from?
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    Have just been playing with an old webcam I found, have set it up in the kitchen, so I can see what the buns are doing, whilst I'm in the study. This is the test shot of Jessica (not sure if this link will work as I've never uploaded a movie before) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxZqchzxxRg...
  16. S

    Help - I've done a bad thing!!!!

    Was in the garden doing up my trainor, and Jasper ran right under my foot as I put it down, I stepped on him, not hard, but he did go a bit flat and had to fall off balance, as to stop myself from stepping hard on him. :( I've checked him lots of times and he seems ok, I've prodded him and...
  17. S

    Thistle hall & fennel run - do they go?

    Hi, Following on from my other thread (poss selling my sage hall hutch). Can anyone tell me does the fennel run fit onto thistle hall hutch from P@H?
  18. S

    Roses, lavender and rosemary?

    Are they safe to have in the garden? Buns will eat anything btw! Will they hurt themselves on the rose thorns or will they learn to leave them alone?
  19. S

    Post a pic of your garden!

    Hi guys, Following on from my thread in general, bunnies eating everything in sight in the garden, like a storm of locusts! We now have no plants left :shock: Just wanted to have a look at your garderns to see if I can pinch any ideas on how to re-plant the garden this year without them ALL...
  20. S

    Shredded paper?

    Hi guys, Just bought a new shredder - security and all that! Just wondered, as I've just emptied it, is it safe for the buns to play with, if I put it all in a cardboard box for them - will they like it? Thoughts please :D