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Search results

  1. B

    Rabbits + Cats: your experiences and opinions please

    You have just confirmed my point. "A cat likes to be boss, a cat will constantly say "I'm the boss" by marking it's humans and everything around the house. (they use the scent glands around their mouth and the ones on the back of their heads to mark everything that "belongs to them". A simple...
  2. B

    Rabbits + Cats: your experiences and opinions please

    I do have a cat, I KNOW how my previous cat used to act around my rabbit, you could SEE HIM HUNTING MY RABBIT. Admittedly Oscar never did that, BUT he always tried to play with my rabbit the way he would do with other cats - [b] teeth and claws rough and tumble.
  3. B

    Rabbits + Cats: your experiences and opinions please

    I also feel it necessary to add that my partner and I were utterly disgusted at seeing a photo of a rabbit humping a cat and not one person has said it is wrong. I complained and got told the photo was fine?! I actually would consider it, in my opinion as abuse towards the cat. Poor cat must...
  4. B

    Rabbits + Cats: your experiences and opinions please

    If rabbits and cats were meant to "live together" they would surely be found together in the wild. Anyone that DOES have rabbits mixing with cats is just flipping lucky that nothing has gone wrong! Cats play with claws and teeth, it's their way of training, like they would in the wild. (I am...
  5. B

    What disease can guinea pigs pass onto rabbits?

    Sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions ;-) I had piggies and Floppy in the Conservatory (separate houses) and I never managed to pass germs on from one to the other. I never thought to wash hands etc between the two at the time. I MAY have just been lucky. *waits for someone more in the...
  6. B

    Fabric carrier for emergencies?

    To be honest, I would try to fit in a plastic one too. If you think about it logically, they COULD be in the carrier for some considerable time. Do you have a plan for where to house the rabbits once you are out of the house, until you can move back in again? This could be a LONG time. For...
  7. B

    What disease can guinea pigs pass onto rabbits?

    Rabbits naturally harbour pasturella (or the bacteria that turns into pasturella) in their noses. They can easily pass this onto piggies, without actually getting it themselves. There are also a million and one reasons why a rabbit should NOT live with a piggy. (and vice versa) Full stop.
  8. B

    What animals can rabbits be mixed with?

    I would NEVER EVER EVER leave a dog OR a cat alone with a bunny, they are totally different animals and would not be able to communicate. Then there is the fact that lots of dogs have it bred into them to chase/kill/dig up a rabbit. How can you go against those years and years of selective...
  9. B

    mabels weight has shot up

    Excellent news! I knew she would get a perfect record though, because she's so well looked after :D
  10. B

    What animals can rabbits be mixed with?

    Surely an alpaca/llama could tread on a rabbit? When I had my buns, I bonded bun with bun. When I FIRST got Floppy rabbit, I learned from 1 second, that he should not live with piggies, we swiftly separated them, and went out to the petshop to buy Floppy his own house. (then I read about it...
  11. B

    House buns - how do you cope with cleaning?

    Yes, I know, but I don't get time to look at ALL the new posts each day, so I miss quite a few, so I just go looking in each section, I honestly didn't notice the date, I'm not a habitual old post bumper lol ;-) I will check the date before I post from now on. Sorry!
  12. B

    House buns - how do you cope with cleaning?

    Oopps! I am so sorry, I didn't notice! I'm on my mobile so don't always notice the dates on things... Please delete my posts lol
  13. B

    House buns - how do you cope with cleaning?

    Heaven help him if you ever have children! Will he make them sit alphabetically on their shelves? lol! Poor you! You should get a cat, a long haired one, then let him complain about bunny fluff. I have a marmalade and white long haired puss called Oscar. We had a new car on wednesday last...
  14. B

    essential oils healthy for rabbits?

    You can get citronella candles, which in effect, the oil is being vapourised, so yes. Keep it away from the rabbits, make sure you buy a good quality oil, that's not been filled out with rubbish. Here's a good one http://www.naturallythinking.com/products/Citronella-Leaf-Essential-Oil.html...
  15. B

    I want a dutchie!

    I am in the process of replying to your pm. Please give me time, all will be explained in my pm. I will state here though, that I apologise for my post coming across as rude & negative. I am also explaining about that in my pm, and will post publicly on the forum afterwards.
  16. B

    thankyou to those who voted,(closed)

    Lisa, can you tell me, are Mabel's teeth an ongoing problem, or was her dental work a one off appointment? Your colleagues on this forum seem to think that dental issues are ongoing?
  17. B

    I want a dutchie!

    My comment was not out of order, you have simply taken a disliking to me since you found out that I wanted Mabel to win the Burgess Comp. So every post I have made since, you have claimed that I am attacking you! If it has not been in your favour.
  18. B

    thankyou to those who voted,(closed)

    Graham, Emma has claimed that Mischief is a "dental bun" all through the competition! She claims he had a dental procedure for £40 (?!) And that he has to have ongoing dental treatment! For which she needs the winning money to pay for. (posted repeatedly throughout her voting post, on youtube...
  19. B

    My stupid rabbit tries to eat EVERYTHING!!!

    Much worse than that, the alkaloid Theobromine could have killed him, in certain quantities it is toxic to humans, it's quantity in chocolate is usually toxic to pets. If you ate enough chocolate, you could dIe from its toxicity.
  20. B

    I want a dutchie!

    I'm not trying to be nasty at all, I'm just stating facts.AND stating what a lot of people are probably thinking. All throughout the Burgess competition, everywhere, you have stated you cannot afford Mischief's ongoing dental operations. So need the prize money for them? How can you afford...