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  1. L

    OMG dissaster

    So sorry to hear that. Best wishes
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    OMG dissaster

    Personally I think a trip to the vet will be a huge stress for the baby and I would keep an eye on the wound and go from day to day. You also have the issue of mum rejecting the baby as it will smell very different after going to the vet and it still needs milk. 17 days is a bit young to be on...
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    Heat Stroke??? advice please

    Glad he sounds okay now. One of my buns had the same and I submerged him in luke-warm water in the bathroom sink. It might sound drastic but he was very weak and didnt even try to get away which made me realise just how poorly he was. He was fine after that - and he was a rex which made it...
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    Heat Stroke??? advice please

    Is your bunny limp? or moving around
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    Any ideas why Peaches is sneezing a lot?

    If her sneezing has increased and you have not changed any routine I would be concerned and would even go to the stage of keeping her away from the others until you are sure - not sure how many she is bonded with. If her partner is not showing signs he may have very good immunity, snuffles is...
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    Pregnant mini lop

    Normally a rabbit has babies between day 28 and 32. If the mum-to-be is used to greens then these are helpful for her milk flow but if she hasnt had them before then perhaps best to wait before introducing them. Dandelions are great for bunnies - dont forget they love the flower heads too! Louisa
  7. L

    rex rabbits-your input for bunny mad magazine article

    Nothing quite as wonderful as a Blue Rex, the most gentle and loving colour of all the Rexes in my opinion. It is very hard to explain the velvet coat of a rex but once touched never forgotten....thick, plush, velvet
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    Rabbit had babies

    The babies will be beginning to nibble their nest now as they start to wean onto solid food. Personally I would remove all the cotton wool bedding you have put in as soon as possible.
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    baby kits...urgent!

    In these cases mum knows best, she perhaps knows something is wrong. Personally I would put the baby back in the nest and see what happens overnight. Trying to hand-rear is not really an option.
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    new litter

    They will start nibbling food and will need some dry food to easily reach. They also copy mum with the water bottle and will need water though not straight-away - but it depends on the weather. They will need to see mum drinking to know what to do - when I hand-reared some babies it took ages...
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    new litter

    Hi Nilla From now on your babies will start to wander around the hutch and venture to find mum and her milk when they choose. They will begin to nibble at her food etc. I wouldnt clean the nest area for at least another week/10 days as this is their safe place with the smells that make them feel...
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    new litter

    Hi Baily 8 Were your babies born 27th Feb??? That makes them almost 7 weeks old?
  13. L

    How serious is sneezing?

    Anything hiding up there!!!!
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    more advice needed - urgent now

    I agree with letting nature take its course. Usually Mum knows best and if she has fed the larger baby tonight then she has milk. Keep her warm and well stocked with hay. I tried to hand-rear some babies from 10 days old and at 7 weeks they all began sneezing and eventually my vet had to pts all...
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    How serious is sneezing?

    My friends rabbit was sneezing and she was given baytril by her vet. She asked me to go round and show her how to give the baytril properly. I could see a tiny bit of green in the rabbits nostril and pulled out a 3 inch piece of hay :? no more sneezing and no need for baytril - deff worth a look
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    Dora foster bunny has just had babies - ADVICE PLEASE!

    It is the safest bet to remove all of your own scent, deff recommended for checking a nest
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    Dora foster bunny has just had babies - ADVICE PLEASE!

    You have done everything right! Keep up with the greens for mum as they will help her milk. Give her plenty of fresh hay to graze on as she will need the extra help to boost her milk flow. Two babies is a small litter so all should be well. I wouldnt look into the nest too much although as...
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    Blind Rabbits

    How old are the babies now? Did the vet confirm they were blind? How do they behave comparison to the other babies? Sorry - lots of questions
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    Greg went to the vets today.. for the last time

    He was a lovely bun and from the pics and his toys and lovely hutch he was very spoilt and had a great life with you. Unfortunately there is no guide to being a parent and we all have to do what we think is best at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing....... Keep your happy memories, that...
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    What else can I do?

    Hi Aimee I think you ought to edit your post and delete the pet shop name, it is a bit of a no no on the forum. I would call tomorrow and ask to speak to the manager or owner, is it a chain or just a single store. Write a short list of the points you want to make before you call to make sure you...