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Search results

  1. Wendy-Jane

    Rabbit savvy vet - Bucks/Herts

    Hi guys - apologies for my recent absence from the forum, I kind of lost the plot :oops: Please can anybody tell me if Guy Carter is still the best rabbit-savvy vet in my area? I am on the Bucks/Herts border, 12 miles north of Watford. And if not, who is? Also, does anybody take other...
  2. Wendy-Jane

    Abscess Flushing

    :wave: everybun - I haven't posted for a while, but we are still around! As some of you know, Chutney has had a chronic tear duct infection for over two years - nothing fixes it completely, though it comes and goes in severity, sometimes ALMOST going completely. This turned into an abscess...
  3. Wendy-Jane

    Worming/Panacur Question

    Hi everybody :wave: I don't know if this is a stupid question, but i'm sure somebody will tell me if it is :oops: Why you have to give rabbits 9 daily doses of Panacur to worm them? When you worm horses you can just give them one dose of Panacur, so what is different? Any ideas? And sorry...
  4. Wendy-Jane

    My Handsome Big Pig

    Yesterday morning when I got up, my guinea pig "GeePee", also known as "Biggus Piggus", had died. He was very old and disabled following a stroke earlier this year, but very very happy. We had many great years together and he died peacefully while sleeping in his bed, with his chin resting on...
  5. Wendy-Jane

    Mango and Chutney Photos

    Hi everybody, Just posting to show you Mango and Chutney (I hope it works............. I'm following the instructions as bets as I can, for a techno-dumbo) First Mango... Now Chutney... Then together... I washed the door when I saw this photo :lol:
  6. Wendy-Jane


    Chubbina - how is he? I (personally) am thinking of you both all the time right now as I was once in a similar position. You are obviously a brill rabbitty mum and have managed to find yourself a very up to date rabbitty vet within 24 hours, so hopefully he is doing great. Please post as...
  7. Wendy-Jane

    Hi Everybody!

    I think your site is BRILLIANT! :D Not only is it packed with useful info, but everybody seems so helpful and friendly. I found it a few months ago, but have only just got around to registering and introducing myself and my rabs. I have two rescue buns called Mango and Chutney. Mango is...