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Search results

  1. W

    To bond or not to bond? Single bunny advice.

    He was called Rex when I got him (he is a mini Rex) but I felt like that name didn't fit him. He reminds me so much of the Winnie the Pooh character with how cute and adventurous he is that he ended up being Roo! :lol: Thank you both for your speed dating suggestion. I didn't know that was a...
  2. W

    To bond or not to bond? Single bunny advice.

    Thank you for your reply! I'm not sure about bad experiences in the past, to my knowledge they got him from a breeder and he hasn't lived with any other bunnies other than his mother/siblings. Again, I can't be 100% sure of this as I have limited knowledge about what has or hasn't happened in...
  3. W

    To bond or not to bond? Single bunny advice.

    Hi everyone, I have recently joined this forum to get some bonding advice. I'll try to keep this post from being too long! I have two bonded house bunnies, Myloe (neutered male, approx 1.5 years old) and Marmalade (spayed female, 6 years old) who have lived together for almost a year. I adopted...