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Search results

  1. E

    My bunny has renal failure

    Thankyou so much for your kind reply and sharing your experience with your lovely bunny, I’m sorry you lost him to this, but it sounds like he had a lovely life and you enjoyed him very much! I am of course very caring and would do anything for my bunnies (and cats!). The vet seemed vague as...
  2. E

    My bunny has renal failure

    Thankyou so much Inspector Morse, much appreciated, I was wondering about other treatments such as these and will put this to my vet. They are savvy, that’s why I took my original bun to them, however I just had to guess it was renal failure as his levels were apparently very high , so I would...
  3. E

    My bunny has renal failure

    Hello there, My 3 year old rescue bunny developed anorexia very acutely last week, the vets took tests and said likely renal failure and the results are not good atall. I’m assuming it is e cuniculi as my other rabbit has this 5 months ago. The tests results for the disease are due in, in a few...
  4. E

    Update on Sebastian with eyelid tumour

    Update on Sebastian’s eye tumour My rabbit Sebastian, nearly 10 with eyelid tumour, bad news! ☹️ The vet has been brilliant, he aspirated the tumour and took cultures which came back and showed he had advanced malignant melanoma which has metastasised unfortunately. They said they could debulk...
  5. E

    Update on Sebastian with eyelid tumour

    My rabbit Sebastian, nearly 10 with eyelid tumour, bad news! ☹️ The vet has been brilliant, he aspirated the tumour and took cultures which came back and showed he had advanced malignant melanoma which has metastasised unfortunately. They said they could debulk his eye tumour if it gets too...
  6. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Oh bless her, the difference with my hun is that his eye is healthy underneath the tumour, which get says is more risky! * just an update. My bunny now has a lump under his dewlap, thinking this must be connected with his large eyelid tumour, the vet is going to aspirate it in a week and we...
  7. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Thankyou! The Bee, was yours a tumour too or another reason for eye removal?
  8. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Thankyou so much though, for helping me consider a decision! So the tumour is growing, it’s not malignant as he’s lived with it since January! But is had travelled to the lymph node in his neck. They said they could take that out in an op too as well as the eye! It’s just so hard, both myself...
  9. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Even though vet said 40-50% of survival? I would feel a bit bad loosing him I guess when he could have had a reasonable couple of weeks- or take the chance?
  10. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    The only thing that’s stopping me is that he’s ok at the moment, the vet said we could leave it u til the quality of his life is not good. But then he wouldn’t be so good in himself. The vet also mentioned gut stasis and recovery problems, I have critical care and can give him round the clock...
  11. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Thankyou so much. I will contact my vet again (who is very rabbit savy) & I will ask for the mild steroid cream and a full blood count, in case we do go for an op to remove eye in a few weeks- as the tumour has grown very large, it means he can’t see in that eye and the weight of the tumour is...
  12. E

    9 year old bunny with large tumour on eyelid.

    Hi everyone, I have a 9 1/2 year old Rex rabbit- I’ve had him so long and love him so much but have a tricky decision to make and wondered if anyone has any advice. My bunny has a large almost golf ball sized tumour on his eyelid, unfortunately the first vets I was with did nothing but the vet I...