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Search results

  1. K

    Mounting behaviour ?!

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have 2 rabbits 1 female at 1 years old and 1 male at 2 years old. We've had our male for almost 2 years now and our female for almost a year. We managed to bond them and have lived together in harmony for about 9 months now woth no issues. Both are...
  2. K

    Bunny tummy problems

    I went to feed my rabbits yesterday morning which they always get super excited about, especially Bella, but she seemed very uninterested and remained lying down (even when i pet her, she always gets up to her feet when i come over to her but she remained in a lying position), even when i tried...
  3. K

    Free Roaming Advice ?

    So I've started to free roam my bunnies permanently. They normally roam around the house all day and sleep in their cage at night but i found this to be cruel and they were obviously annoyed due to the constant thumping and cage rattling. So I've decided to go completely free roam where i keep...
  4. K

    Cleaning rabbits cages ?

    I hope I've posted this on the right thread, i need some advice regarding cleaning my rabbits cages. I normally use "OUT! Super strength stain and odour remover" spray (it was for cats, which i didn't notice at first, because i originally bought it to clean pee stains on my bed from my bunny...
  5. K

    Advice? Is this normal?

    I've started laying down some training mats as my 5 month old bunny, Bella, has been peeing around the livingroom (I'm hoping this calms down once she's spayed which is booked in this coming friday). However, I've noticed that on an area that she's pee'd, the initial pee is orangey brownish...
  6. K

    Phantom Pregnancy ??!!

    Hey guys, I've been watching my female rabbit, Bella, for the past few days and have noticed unusual behaviour. I've noticed that she's been gathering hay, bedding, and ripping up training pads (I use these to gather urine from their little trays) to make a nest and trying to pull fur from my...
  7. K

    Bunny bonding HELP

    Hey guys, I'm new to this and am just looking for advice about bonding my bunnies. I've had my neutered 1 year old male silver marten, Caro, for a year now and just got an unspayed female (we think a 4 month old brittania petite mix) called Bella. We adopted both of them a year apart and I'm...