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  1. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    Motty it was a size of a cat so I thought it must be impossible for a cat to rip her head off and thanks for your condolence
  2. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    Thanks craig 1965 for your condolence It took me while to post about it as it was very upsetting for me to even write about it and I needed answers
  3. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    Thanks bunniemum for your condolence and advice
  4. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    Thanks shimmer for letting me know and before when we had our previous rabbits someone opened them up at about 4 am in the morning still don't know who did so I just wanted answer whether it was a fox, cat or human but probably fox then
  5. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    Thanks for letting me know but do fox leave any mess like fur or blood or any trace when they kill rabbit and leave the whole body
  6. Maria124

    my rabbit was found dead with no head what can it be

    When I got home it was dark and I went out to see my rabbit but this was the worst thing ever for my eyes to see. My rabbit was dead without any head and there wasn't any blood or fur anywhere around it was a clean cut. At first I thought It was alive we were calling her name but she wasn't...