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Search results

  1. K

    Rabbits and Household Disruption

    We are longing to get our first house rabbits, but we have quite a lot of DIY coming up in the next few months. They would have their own room, but I am worried about how rabbits would cope with the noises as I would not want to upset them. Has anyone else experienced this and got any tips on...
  2. K

    Teeth Problems

    Having visited a rescue recently, I got the impression from one of the carers that some kinds of rabbit are more likely to suffer from maloclussions of the teeth. (I'm confident I've spelt that badly, sorry). Can anyone tell me if this is true or whether I've got the wrong end of the stick. Thanks!
  3. K

    What do you think of these crates?

    I'm really impressed by the second floor you've added here - can I ask what type of wood you used, as I would like to do the same but don't know if any kind might be harmful to a rabbit if they decided to chew it? I seem to recall reading somewhere that plastic trays might be better than metal...