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Search results

  1. V

    What just happend ?

    So, my bunny was kinda licking the side of his body, and i noticed that some some white liquid came out of that hole ( i dont know if that hole is his anus or penis, i only see his testicles and that hole ) he is like 10 months old, i rescued him 2 months ago, i have never seen that before. So...
  2. V

    Soft poop

    So, i had a guinea pig, 4 years, he had diarrhea, i took him to the vet and he died there. Now i have a bunny, it's been a month, he doesnt have diarrhea, but every other day takes one single soft poop, it's enough to smear his balls, paws and floor, the other 200 poops are regular, so i just...