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Search results

  1. E

    Rabbit pens

    I was just wondering if anyone can help me out, I’ve been looking Into bringing my rabbit inside as her bonded partner has just passed away so I want to bring her indoors (uk) plus it’s pretty cold. Can anyone recommend some pens to keep her in that are affordable and that she won’t be able to...
  2. E

    Can rabbits have empty cereal boxes?

    I know they love cardboard but I don’t want to give it just in case the ink is dangerous, the gerbils are aloud to have them so I was thinking the rabbits might?
  3. E

    Introduction and questions

    Hi I’m Ellie and my rabbits are blu and clover, I had my rabbits outside in a large run and hutch which we made but I recently decided I wanted to bring my rabbits inside as the weather is bad (UK) and they free roam one room and my male rabbit (Blu) has been showing hormonal behaviours even...