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  1. A

    Rabbit pooing EVERYWHERE!

    I've also noticed this morning that he has very bright coloured urine. I don't know if this is a concern? Looks like orange lucozade!
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    Rabbit pooing EVERYWHERE!

    Hey, thank you! I haven't actually tried putting a lot of hay in his litter tray, he usually has wood pellet and straw and some hay. I've done it this morning and see what he's like when I get home. It's 45cm square and is low sided x
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    Rabbit pooing EVERYWHERE!

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum but I'm after some advice. My 2.5 year old Havana, Chunk, has been pooing and peeing both inside and outside his litterbox for the past couple of months. We moved house in July where he stayed at my parents. They have another rabbit (Roary) who he use to live...