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Search results

  1. Bifidus

    How much weight can a 2.5 kg sized pull/move?

    @Babsie Nothing has ever happened to him in two years time. I just leave him outside all day for weeks even months during the summer. I know sometimes it just happens that he rolls his stone around for a few centimetres or so but this time it was a whole meter so I was quite impressed. I am...
  2. Bifidus

    How much weight can a 2.5 kg sized pull/move?

    @Liz47 he is usually in his rabbit hutch. So you are saying that it could have been the rabbit himself that moved the stone not an intruder? Because it has happened many times that a person I know comes here at night vandalizing my fence after having had a 'good time' with his friends in the pub...
  3. Bifidus

    How much weight can a 2.5 kg sized pull/move?

    Of course it is. Wouldn't you be worried if thieves entered your house during the night while you are sleeping.
  4. Bifidus

    How much weight can a 2.5 kg sized pull/move?

    During the night 🌃 when it's not raining I let my rabbit outside harnessed to a 5 kg stone so it doesn't run away. Usually the stone never moves. But this morning I found it off the place it usually is by a meter. Is it possible that some burglar/thief entered my house during the night and...
  5. Bifidus

    Aloe Vera Gel for Sore Hock Bunnies

    @MightyMax I own a two years old New Zealand white. Fortunaly it only has a Hyperkeratosis Callus on the left hind leg. It's a week now that I apply daily some Aloe Gel on the callus and take him for a walk (some exercise). And I have moisture/water problems in his rabbit hutch (water spilling...
  6. Bifidus

    Aloe Vera Gel for Sore Hock Bunnies

    Is aloe gel alright for rabbit sore hocks?