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Search results

  1. D

    10% Panacur - dosage

    They were really good about taking it on their morning food. I added a little fruit or carrot and put the panacur right on the fruit and they ate it up without any problem. they are in separate cages until they bond so making sure they each got the proper dose wasn't a problem.
  2. D

    10% Panacur - dosage

    Thanks, that was great information. I think I even understood most of it. :) Detailed as heck.
  3. D

    10% Panacur - dosage

    Thanks, Someone told my husband it was nine weeks dosing for pinworm, so he bought 3 bottles of the 10%, for 2 bunnies. If it's only 9 days then I'm done already. I just wish I knew how my 2 indoor bunnies got pinworm in the first place. Sigh.
  4. D

    10% Panacur - dosage
