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Search results

  1. C

    I can't get her to drink from a bottle

    I can't find a way to get my 8 week old rabbit to drink from a bottle. she only drinks from a bowl, and even then doesn't drink much, as far as I know. She won't eat much other than hay either. The man that I got her from gave me a bag of the feed that he gives his rabbits, along with some seeds...
  2. C

    I have a few questions.

    Do you have a recommended type of hay or food for rabbits?
  3. C

    I have a few questions.

    Okay I checked out the site. Thanks! I have been looking everywhere trying to find new research sources. This one is helpful!:wave:
  4. C

    I have a few questions.

    I am in FFA and if we get a rabbit through the organization, we have to show it. this was also the only real way to convince my parents to get a pet. I still need to do more research about breeds and food. thanks for the tips!:lol:
  5. C

    I have a few questions.

    What is the best breed for a show rabbit? What housing would you recommend? Inside or outside? What is the best type of cage/hutch? Okay thats all. Thanks!:D (side note, I live in America and I know most of you are from the UK, so if you know any products I can get in America and the UK...