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Search results

  1. S

    Can rabbits cope with only one eye? U/D: New pic 6 months on

    A quick reply as I've just got in from sleeping in my Mum's room at her Care home as she's very ill .. Indeed they can. Luna had E. Cuniculi and consequently has lost the sight in one eye ... ok, she so she veers to one side, but she manages really well. No problems at all. Xx
  2. S

    Luna and her episode of E.C.

    I will certainly do this. Luna, when we came home from holiday last year https://flic.kr/p/Xjcb2V
  3. S

    Boarding issues

    https://flic.kr/p/WTG6ej Here is a photo of her set up. As you can see the cages are together but can be split into two with a wire divider.
  4. S

    Excessive humping - new issue - page 4

    I like this review I keep asking the dwarf rabbits how they like the mat. I put out some paper stars and tried to cajole them into rating it but they ate half of the stars and used the others for litter. I'm assuming they liked the mat because it was destroyed without a trace within a week...
  5. S

    Ear question

    I don't see anything bad about gently rubbing a little olive oil on his ear.
  6. S

    .... it's hello from me.

    I used to breed Guinea Pigs .. and it was after we lost our dearly beloved first piggie, Clover, that my daughter suggested we get a rabbit. I'd never had a rabbit before and I said to her "So long as it's only a small one" ... so our love of Netherland Dwarf rabbits began. We drove 50 odd...
  7. S

    R. I. P. Ghibli

    Oh my Lord .. I am so very sorry ... You showed your bun love ... that's all anyone can do ... xxx
  8. S

    Boarding issues

    No, the boarder didnt take her to the vets ... in fact, the boarder (with the qualification in small animal care for which I had booked the boarding for), was on holiday and the rabbits were left in the care of her parents. (Not named in her business) She claimed that Luna had the loss of fur...
  9. S

    Luna and her episode of E.C.

    Luna is a Netherland Dwarf .. neutered and shares her home with another Netherland Dwarf called Rufus. One night, we had Luna in for a cuddle and when we went to put her back in her cage she just flopped down and appeared to lose the use of her back legs ... We took her to the vets (non...
  10. S

    Excessive humping - new issue - page 4

    Wow, must look for a sea grass house. They already have a 5 x 3 foot area of soil which is part of their run, to dig in. Caught the little so and so actually pulling Luna's fur out with his teeth today. He's in the garage, in his cage ... hoping to put them back together tomorrow night...
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    Excessive humping - new issue - page 4

    Wow .. this is happening to mine right now. Rufus and Luna are two Netherland Dwarf bunnies and are well and truly bonded. They have recently come back from a 16 night stay in a "Hotel" and he is being such a b****r ... Poor Luna! Thankfully she has escape in the day as their run is really...
  12. S

    Boarding issues

    Oh thank you .. will have a look at that. Much appreciated. Must go and introduce myself tomorrow on the "Introduction" forum
  13. S

    Boarding issues

    Thank you so much for the reassurance that this is more normal than I thought ... the dominance when returning home and in being with other rabbits. Luna had E.C. When she was 3 (she's now 7) ... it was pretty bad ... she had seizures and lost the use of her back legs and has become blind in...
  14. S

    Boarding issues

    Hi .. thank you for your reply. Rufus does sometimes err, try to dominate Luna at home, but certainly not to the extent that her fur comes out. We had him neutered as soon as was possible - age/weight etc. He is not three, so it would have been as soon as the vet allowed. We took him to a...
  15. S

    Boarding issues

    Hello ... I have two Netherland Dwarf rabbits ... Luna (doe) who is 7 and Rufus (buck) who is 2. I sent them to rabbit boarding in May for three nights and when I picked them up Rufus persistently tried to mount Luna on their return home. He really wasn't himself and I did put it down to the...