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Search results

  1. IndigoRabbit

    Please Help me Protect my New Rabbits

    Hello everyone, I've been posting a lot on this forum recently and everybody's been so kind and helpful so I thought it wouldn't be too bad to ask some more questions. I've recently lost two beautiful bunnies (but I'm not going to go into that again :cry: ) to VHD2/RHD2. I learnt only...
  2. IndigoRabbit

    Moth and Ziggy aren't here anymore.

    Both of my rabbits were taken from me on Tuesday. I woke up proud owner of two beautiful bunnies planning our first Christmas together and at night I didn't have either of them. I've not been very well at all this year and so for my birthday, my parents said I could get my rabbits. They've...
  3. IndigoRabbit

    New strand of VHD in UK? Please Advise.

    Hi, I'm really sad to say that I've lost my two best friends within 24 hours. They were my only friends and they've helped me through so much and I just couldn't help them in the end. They were fine one minute and then they were fitting and were gone. When the second one started acting like the...
  4. IndigoRabbit

    Male Rabbits humping: Please advise!!

    Hello everybody. I've been looking at lots of threads to do with my problem but I can't find one specific enough so here it is: I have two male dwarf rabbits who came from the same place and had been raised together since the younger (11 moths)'s birth (the older one is 14 months now). The...