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  1. H

    rabbits and guinea pigs

    i thinks its safe to say i'm even more confused now, but thanks for all your help! i don't want to seperate them and get more as we have quite a few animals and theres no room for an extra cage, they do seem to be getting on ok and have started to feed the piggy greens seperatly but what ever i...
  2. H

    rabbits and guinea pigs

    no i haven't had them checked over by the vet yet, only got them yesterday! i guess i'll have too see how things go as i'm not prepared to give up the rabbit and my sis would be heart broken to give up the piggy. if worse comes to worse we'll have to seperate them! mum did have a piggy and...
  3. H

    rabbits and guinea pigs

    just brought rabbit and guinea pig, feeding them both guinea pig food. is the rabbit getting the Vits that it needs because i heard that it could not get enough VIT D, is this true? also the Guinea pig doesn't seem to want to eat any greens, any idea why? thanks hemee xxxx