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Search results

  1. Mel94

    How does your bunny display affection?

    He runs up to the closest side of the cage when he sees me and he's so affectionate with kisses, he'll actually take the time to kiss each finger before he lets me resume strokies. :') <3
  2. Mel94


    Muesli is awful, isn't it? I have this problem right now. I'm trying Thumper on Selective Science pellets that have Timothy hay in after he ignored previous brand pellets. He seems to eat them if he has to (if he's eaten all the muesli and he's still hungry) but otherwise, he'll go for the...
  3. Mel94

    Picky eater

    Yes! :lol: :lol: Thumper is so picky, he'll only eat carrots if they're pealed. He's not interested in rocket, watercress, celery, cucumber. He isn't too keen on kale. I'm trying to wean him off his muesli food that I'd had him on for 5 years without knowing how harmful it can be (luckily his...
  4. Mel94

    Poppy and Red and the Strawberry (in pictures!)

    So cute! I offered my Thumper a strawberry a few times, he's so wary of new food as he thinks I'm trying to poison him, so he just sniffed it then hopped away! :lol:
  5. Mel94

    Can anyone help me identify my rabbit's breed?

    Rabbit breeds are so confusing! :lol: I've asked around on a few pet/rabbit forums and most people seem to think he has some Nethie in him but no one seems to be able to say for sure what he may be crossed with. I wish I could somehow find out what his parents were, I bought him from a...
  6. Mel94

    Few questions about rabbiits?

    Hi there. :) While it seems everyone else has covered the questions you asked, I just wanted to point out something important, because many people are unaware. Please never subject your rabbits to a bath, it's unnecessary because, like cats, they clean themselves. It is also harmful for them...
  7. Mel94

    Lady Lydia is Dead :-(

    So sorry for your loss! :( You must be so devastated! :(
  8. Mel94

    Can anyone help me identify my rabbit's breed?

    Hi everyone, thank you for the replies! :D @MummyBunnyEm - I've always kind of guessed that he was a Nethie but his bigger ears always made me kind of doubt! :) @Jack's-Jane - Wow, he does look so much like the Silver Marten! I always thought Silver Marten was just a fur type because while I...
  9. Mel94

    Can anyone help me identify my rabbit's breed?

    Hi everyone! :) Sorry if this is an annoyingly repetitive question on here, I've spent far too long searching through the lists of official breeds, so I thought it was time I'd ask some other bunny lovers for their opinions instead! :lol: Would someone be able to help identify Thumper's breed...