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Search results

  1. P

    Bunny lovers unite!

    It is devastating, although i know now we have found the best vets in the world... It's really just pretty exhausting with worry and medication administration twice a day.. I know it's only going to get worse when she has her leg off and we have to care for her 24/7 but even right now trying to...
  2. P

    Bunny lovers unite!

    Thank you!! :) Would never put her down despite a couple of suggestions by other vets that that would be possible.. :/ It's always the easiest option and they seem to jump on it rather too fast for my liking! xx
  3. P

    Bunny lovers unite!

    Hi fellow bunny lovers, I have two lovely bunny sisters, Miss Waffles and Miss Pancakes. They are dwarf chinchilla rex rabbits. We have had them since they were babies. They live in the lounge of our bungalow and we are always with them. They are a huge part of our lives and come everywhere...