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Search results

  1. blakesm

    Poopy BunBun

    Hello everyone! Thanks for all of your suggestions! By taking away his kibble last night, I heard him chowing down on his hay all night. In the morning, I checked his litter tray and found more pellet poops and the only ceacotroph I saw was the mushy one from last night. I am still thinking of...
  2. blakesm

    Poopy BunBun

    I was told to give him unlimited kibble and hay until he breached over the year mark. I'm going to give the vet a call tomorrow and see what they have to say. I am giving him his space and I can hear him eating away at his hay. Would you recommend feeding him anything else? I've read about...
  3. blakesm

    Poopy BunBun

    http://imgur.com/a/URojQ Here are pictures that include his kibble, hay and what his fecal matter looks like as of now.
  4. blakesm

    Poopy BunBun

    I also forgot to mention that I have noticed one of his pellet poops was attached together by a hair. Could he have some sort of furball that is not passing through? I do notice he grooms quiet excessively.
  5. blakesm

    Poopy BunBun

    Hello All, I'm new to these forums, so if I am supposed to add on to a previously existing thread on this subject instead of booting up a new one, I apologize! But now onto my issue! I have a black holland lop named David, he is fantastically well mannered and under one year of age (he is...