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Search results

  1. A

    Family of 4

    After collecting Jasper to come home with me and my boyfriend in August we were told to look into a friend for him. After Jasper having an op to stop him having babies we decided we would get him a girlfriend, this was something we were going to do in the new Year but a friend at work needed to...
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    Toilet training Baby Jasper

    Hi, I recently did a topic introducing baby Jasper that we picked up 6 days ago at 8 weeks old. I am finding it hard potty training my little boy. With our last bunny Missy she was trained in a couple of days but Jasper doesn't seem to be picking up on where to go. We have shown him his litter...
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    Bunny wheelchair

    Hi I'm new to this forum, I have a giant lop eared house rabbit called Missy. Recently missy had an accident flicking her back legs or when jumping and has hurt her back. She either has a dislocation of a disc or has broken her back, due to being on bed rest for 3 weeks vet seems to think it's...