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Search results

  1. R

    Bonding again after time apart - humping!!

    This might sound silly but my rabbits are only still very young (almost 10 weeks) they have spent a week apart as the female bunny wasn't very well. She has just come home today with a clean bill of health but Louie my male bunny is chasing her and vigorously humping her any way he can. Which I...
  2. R

    Pellets - how much?

  3. R


    Thank you for getting back to me, I'm almost certain it's due to him eating two many pellets, but want to be sure so we will head to the vets. Our other bunny isn't a sibling, and the breeder said it was likely to be stress. She started last Thursday so has been away for almost a week. She's...
  4. R


    Hi there - My 9 week old netherland dwarf has done a few poo's today that are different to normal. They look very similar to cecotropes. He must have sat on some as they were squashed in the bottom of his cage, he's also done a couple on the floor. He's doing his usual poos aswell. Yesterday I...