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Search results

  1. N

    Do you think this is moveable?

    I want this http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/8x6ft-shed/1079626032#photo-content I have told the seller that I will organise picking it up, Do you think it will be able to be dismantled? Would you buy it? How would you move it? I have emailed two "man with a van" companies, to see if they...
  2. N


    Deleted thread
  3. N

    people with shed and run set ups

    Just curious, how on earth do you cut a hole in the side of the shed to attach the run? And how do you secure the run to the side?
  4. N

    Think Ive found a new bunny home. Opinions?

    So, Ive decided I would quite like a dog kennel and run. This one in particular http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DOG-KENNEL-AND-RUN-9ft-/121407324383?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Kitchen_Steamers_Cookers_PP&hash=item1c4470c0df My reasons are: It should be pretty safe from predators, being designed to keep dogs...
  5. N

    Is he too old?

    So, I got a rabbit when he was 6 months old. That was February 3 years ago. Hes lived in a hutch in my room ever since. I let him out when Im home on an evening and he runs around my room. Now, Ive done quite a lot of reading lately and realise they are happy with a companion and I also would...