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Search results

  1. E

    Kennel and run

    Hi everyone, I'm moving house and looking for a new set up for my bunnies. Has anyone got any recommendations for a good kennel and run? Thank you in advance :)
  2. E

    Quad to a trio

    Hi everyone. Unfortunately I lost one of my bunnies last week :( i had a quad who all lived happily together which are now obviously a trio. They are fine so far but I can't help but feel worried. Has anyone experienced this and there trio have lived happily? Am I best eventually getting another...
  3. E

    Bonding young bunnies

    I'm picking my 8 week old harlequin female up this Saturday 😊 to eventually pair up with my 4 month old male dwarf lop, when he is neutered of course! I've never bonded bunnies before so any advice would be very welcome .. Is it easier bonding young bunnies?