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  1. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    I have 2 female rabbits, both are 2 years old now.
  2. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    Didn't mean to repeat myself, I was trying to delete the 1st post!!!!!!
  3. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    Thanks for the welcome, I now know that bunnies are complex creatures!!!!!! :D
  4. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    Thanks for the welcome, I now know that bunnies are complex creatures!!!!!!
  5. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    She seems fine now, I think she was just having a wee rest!
  6. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    She hasn't lost any weight, in fact she's still as heavy as ever!!!!!!
  7. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    No, she seems fine, she is still eating, drinking and going to the toilet as normal. She was just sitting in the hall as per usual, it was my son who noticed her looking so sad today, he asked if bunnies can become depressed, apparently they can.
  8. bunnymadcarole

    Depression in Bunnies

    Our bunny Aurora seems a little down in the dumps, she spends a lot of time just sitting in her hutch with her cagemate Gaia, her owner, my son Adam is at college, and goes out a lot.....could that be the reason?? :(:(:(:(:(
  9. bunnymadcarole

    Roll Call... Tell us a bit about you

    Hi my name is Carole, and I'm bunny mummy to Aurora, a Brown Mini-lop, and Gaia, a Netherland Dwarf, I also have 2 human boys, aged 18 and 15. I love all my family!!