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Search results

  1. M

    Bad History - Now bonding in new house!

    The age old bonding situation, and every single thread I read is different but I'm hoping someone can give us some advice... We have two buns, both approx 1 yr old. We had Nala first and a couple of months later we got little Milo. Both have been done for around 6 months (may be longer now). In...
  2. M

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Not sure if this works?? If it does, this is Milo have a lie down (quite common!) x
  3. M

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Good Afternoon All, So glad to have finally signed up to speak to people with the same interest as me! Speaking to my friends about the highs and lows of owning rabbits doesnt evoke any sort of response from them, let alone a useful one! I have 2 buns... Nala - English Rabbit and yet to...
  4. M

    Spring Behaviour Change?

    I am so glad to know that it is a seasonal behaviour! Last night she was much more affectionate with me and came to me when I called her for a cuddle.... We have given both her and Milo so much to do in terms of digging and chewing that I can't fit anymore in their pens! Nala loves her towel...
  5. M

    Spring Behaviour Change?

    She was done in November time.... Will she still have the hormones in her?
  6. M

    Spring Behaviour Change?

    Hi All, I am very new to this and this is my first post and I can't seem it find the answer anywhere. Who better to ask than those who have rabbits like me! I have 2 english rabbits - Nala and Milo. Both under one. Nala was brought into the home first, followed by Milo a couple of months...