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Search results

  1. K

    How long to wait after spay to bond?

    Hi everyone, Now my little boy pippin is in his own after losing his two bonded partners in just 6months, we went to the RSPCA yesterday to find him a new friend. We're going back today for a second visit but we think he's chosen a little chocolate lop. At present she is unspayed. The RSPCA will...
  2. K

    The hawthorn is in bud!

    W'hey! Won't be long now, the hawthorn near me is in bud, my bunnies love it! Let the hawthorn monitoring begin..... Feeling impatient already!
  3. K

    My bunny choked and died today

    Hi RU, Sorry for posting a sad post in rabbit chat as it should probably be in health or rainbow bridge but I don't have a question, I just need to talk. My bunny Mavis choked and died right in front of me today, and I'm sure it was my fault. She'd been off her food since Friday night but was...
  4. K

    Cleaning paved run

    Hi RU, long time no posts! But it's nice to be back :wave: What's the best way to clean an outside paved bunny run? I've read its best to clean the area with disinfectant, but which one is OK to use? Can anyone give me some advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you :thumb:
  5. K

    Forage for your local rabbit rescue

    Hi RU, Just thought I would give a little nudge that if any of you foragers are near to a rabbit rescue, why not collect a bit extra for the bunnies there. I've started doing this for my local rescue, and they let me go in and feed the buns too, so I feel like a fairy bun mother :lol:
  6. K

    Do Giants ever periscope?

    It just occurred to me that I've never seen my English giant periscope. My other regular buns do it on a fairly regular basis but not Mavis. She washes on her two back legs just fine, and can reach up the fence or garden bench, and jumps just fine, but no periscopes. I expect she has less need...
  7. K


    Goodbye my beautiful little holly pops. We first met 13 years ago at the council animal welfare, I worked at the council, and you had been rescued, your owners had done a moonlight flit and just left you behind. You were an adult cat then, probably around 2-3 years old. I'd never had a cat, but...
  8. K

    My new trio

    I just love seeing them all together :love: Left to right: Pippin (little nethie), Little Miss (white lop), and Mavis (English Giant)
  9. K

    Is this weed bunny safe?

    Hi everyone, Any ideas if this weed is bunny safe? It's only small, about 4 - 5 inches tall Thank you.
  10. K

    Trio bond... Still going well

    Hi everyone, I started my trio bond this afternoon. I had an existing m/f pair, little miss and pippin, a medium lion lop and a wee nethie, and around 6 months ago I rescued Mavis, an English giant. Mavis had some weight to lose before she could be spayed but she did it and was spayed two...
  11. K

    Tip for giving medicine

    Hi everyone, One of my buns has just been in for a spay and I managed to give her her meds for three days but on the fourth day she was having none of it! This stressed us both out. I had some broccoli in the fridge so I squeezed her dose inbetween the florets at the top and she just ate the...
  12. K

    What do the wildies eat in autumn winter?

    Just wondering what the wildies eat in the autumn and winter? And hoping for a few foraging tips for when there's no dandelion, or hawthorn, or brambles around anymore. Thanks
  13. K

    Tips for giving eye drops please

    Anyone got any tips for giving eye drops? I'm trying and think I'm failing miserably to give them to my giant bun, she is great at settling down and sits really still but no matter what angle I approach with the eye drops she seems to just close her eyes at the right, or wrong, time, and the...
  14. K

    Who has a large group of bunnies?

    Hi there, I'm just up late wishful thinking, and pondering on all my buns living together in one big bunny family. I currently have two m/f pairs and a single female.... What if I could bond them all.... I know all the potential pitfalls... But it would be nice if people could share their...
  15. K

    Any ideas how to weigh a rabbit?

    I have a lovely large English giant, recently adopted, and she needs to lose weight. I've had her two months now and her dewlap appears much reduced and when I stroke her I feel she has lost her body fat too. I'd like to weight her but don't know how. I think I could just about pick her up and...
  16. K

    How to help a bunny lose weight- update we did it!

    Hi, I've recently adopted an English giant, she has suffered from a muesli diet and severe lack of opportunity to exercise, and so is at least 1kg overweight. She weighs 6.7kg, and my vet would like her down to 5.7kg. I've been converting her from muesli to excel pellets over the last three...
  17. K

    My little giant

    Took some photos of my little giant today, I've had her just over 3 weeks now and she is just so lovely, she free ranges most of the day, and is only in her hutch and run on a night or when I'm out. I feel so sad when I think she has spent most of her life alone in a hutch. She needs to lose...
  18. K

    'Frog spit'

    Does anyone know what this 'frog spit' is that's started appearing in the long grass? We always used to call it frog spit when we were little but I've no idea what it is really. I always wash my grass but just wondering what it is, and if it's harmful to buns. Does anyone know? Thank you.
  19. K

    Anyone started drying forage for winter?

    I've made a start today, I have 5 buns now so need to stock up! I left it too late last year and pretty much only had bramble leaves. I've got plantain, dandelions, clover, and herb Robert. Not tried drying herb Robert before so we'll see how it goes. Can you dry willow and hawthorn leaves? I...
  20. K

    Is this camomile?

    Not sure if this is camomile, or just a big Daisy!