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Search results

  1. L

    Poop pic site for help :0)

    My buns poops are like the first ones. I'd been thinking I took a little too much interest in their poops. I put it down to being a nurse, nurses are kinda poop obsessed too :lol: Glad it's not just me :)
  2. L

    Bunnyless - but hope that will change!

    Hi :wave: I'm new to rabbits and to the site aswell. I joined the site for advice and we got our two rescue buns less than three weeks ago. I found lots of great information on this site, I had a lot of very friendly and informative replies to my post, I've read through lots of the stickies...
  3. L

    Roxys dead

    I'm so sorry for your loss xxx
  4. L

    How late do your rabbits stay up till?

    Ah it's all good then - I'd read they were active at dawn and dusk, but expected that they'd want to go in the hutch overnight. The last few days and nights they don't seem to have been in the hutch much at all. They have two runs and there are places in them where they like to doze and...
  5. L

    How late do your rabbits stay up till?

    I've just been out to check on our buns and they're still up and in the run, it's gone half one in the morning. They do go into the hutch, I know they can go there if they want to, but they seem to spend nearly all their time in the runs. They seem to doze off in the litter tray under the...
  6. L


    ahh that's nice :)
  7. L

    Feeling so Loved!

    aw lovely :love:
  8. L


    The children agree to having their rabbits dumped in exchange for a day at a theme park? Am I understanding that right? So it's rabbits bought for children, then the children lose interest, the parents never really wanted them anyway, so they're just dumped. AND the kids get a day at a theme...
  9. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    We're having such a lovely time with our buns :) We got them a couple of cat litter trays. One is at the front of the bedroom part of the hutch as that's where they seem to go to the toilet up there, Molly wasn't having any of it at first, she just shoved it out of the way and went to the...
  10. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Pics :) Molly (front) and Polly enjoying their sand box. Tea and strokes time. Molly with Polly relaxing in the hideaway in the background. Polly Hope they worked. And thanks all so much for your lovely replies :):wave:
  11. L

    Introducing me and my bunnies (pictures followed)

    Lovely bunnies :) We've only just got our rabbits and just have a basic hutch and run, we will get a better set-up, I'm forever looking at the garden and pondering how best to use the space - the shed you have for your bunnies there looks so good. They are lucky buns :)
  12. L

    Hello from Toronto!

    aw he's such a cutie - I'm new to rabbits, so I don't know about the health problems, but just wanted to say what a lovely rabbit you have :wave:
  13. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Well we've had our Molly and Polly a week now and it all seems to be going very well :) They did have a struggle with the ramp to start with. We had to use the carrier and a few times lifted them in between the hutch and the run. They did wriggle a little bit being picked up, but didn't get...
  14. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Our lovely girls Molly and Polly have moved in today :) It's all gone quite well really, they seemed nervous in the carrier in the car on the way home, but not too distressed. We put the carrier into the run and they hopped out and cautiously looked about their run. I could see them getting...
  15. L

    Rehomed: Pollyanna & Pippin, Cheshire

    I did get a reply from RSPCA Macclesfield to my question - they sent me a message. The RSPCA's can get the local branches to do the home visits, which is great. I did love the look of this pair, but they were reserved before I'd got the hutch up and ready. I felt a bit sad when I saw they...
  16. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    :wave: I'm from near to Preston. We went over to the RSPCA at Accrington for our buns :-)
  17. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    We've met them and reserved them. They're so lovely, Molly and Polly :love: Just waiting on the home visit now, hopefully that'll go okay, we've just a few small gaps on the fence to cover with some bits of wood. The hutch and run and the supplies are all here. Will definitely put pictures...
  18. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Many thanks again for the replies on here - I've just been reading through them all again :-) I am so, so glad I came on here and asked some questions - I think I could have got this all very wrong without your advice, so thank you :-) We're on our way with it all - we've bought excel nuggets...
  19. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Oh yes sorry forgot to say - a male and female bonded pair from a rescue is top of our wish list :-)
  20. L

    Hello - new here and new to rabbits, wanting to have happy, healthy bunnies

    Again thank you so, so much for your replies :-) We are completely convinced that we shall get two rescue rabbits now! We've been looking on all sorts of sites online and seen that there are so many lovely bunnies out there looking for homes. Thanks for letting me know that it's not good for...