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Search results

  1. Weeza

    Binkie away in heaven my beautiful Dillon

    Remembering Dillon, thank you for coming into our lives, Andrew and I miss you terribly and the other fur babies are still looking for you! You were such a naughty beautiful boy and in the short time I had you for you made a huge impact. I miss our morning, evening and goodnight kisses and your...
  2. Weeza

    Help please I'm so worried

    Update on Dillon Thank you all for your kind messages, unfortunately Dillon has gone to the big carrot field. I rang the vet to demand he came out as Dillons back legs seemed to go but whilst I was on the phone he had a fit and passed away, I'm not entirely clear on the details as I am still...
  3. Weeza

    Help please I'm so worried

    Update on Dillon Thanks everyone, I've rung the vets. They say that they have given Dillon everything they can for the moment and as I've got him to drink (thanks to ripmillie) the best thing I can do is keep him warm, let him rest and if need be take him back in the morning. He's lying wrapped...
  4. Weeza

    Help please I'm so worried

    Help Hi Nikki Yes it was for any length of time, he's been out on a lead previously. He's now really floppy, I'm feeding him water, really don't want to lose him but don't know what else to do, I'm at my wits end.
  5. Weeza

    Help please I'm so worried

    Hi ripminnie Thanks for the advice and moving my post, I'll try your advice now and see how I go. Weeks Xxx
  6. Weeza

    Help please I'm so worried

    Hi guys, I've read a few posts but can't find anything which seems to match my case. Dillon is approx 5 months old (if shop are correct but given she's turned out to be a he I'm not 100% certain). We were out in the garden Sunday and he had a go in his new run which I had set up carefully in...