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Search results

  1. A

    Male/male bond or group of four?

    Hi, I have just found out that the female bunny I brought home to bond with my recently bereaved male is actually a boy. My bunnies are free roaming house buns. I've grown attached to the little fella but I've read there can be a lot of problems with trying to do a male/male bond. The other...
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    Looking for rabbit savvy vet

    Thanks :) that's a bit closer.
  3. A

    Looking for rabbit savvy vet

    I'm in Bishop Auckland.
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    Looking for rabbit savvy vet

    Thanks Les! Bit of a trek to Cramlington but hopefully I can get some advice over the phone. RedFraggle - yes, she is on Panacur and Baytril. Baytril since Wednesday and started Panacur yesterday. The vet didn't know the problem was but advised giving both. Could be EC or an inner ear...
  5. A

    Looking for rabbit savvy vet

    Hi, i am very worried about my rabbit is suffering balance problems and is hardly eating. I'm looking for a vet who is a rabbit specialist near the County Durham area. Can anyone help? Many Thanks, Alex