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Search results

  1. Jordin Ross

    How old?/what breed?

    I'm just curious I bought this rabbit from my work today and I have no clue what breed or how old it is and I would like it if someone could give me a rough estimate? It looks to be a dwarf of some kind. Thank you
  2. Jordin Ross

    Bunny making squealing or honking noises.

    Hello, I've had a male bunny for about 8-9 months now and i recently brought a new one home so he'd have a friend. (it's also a male). Sometime when i let my bun that i've had for 8 months run around the room the new bun will make a honking or a squealing noise. (it's not always he's only done...
  3. Jordin Ross

    Need help! Two male rabbits

    Hello, to start off i'm new here this is my first time being here. I have had a mini Rex (male) named Tyson, I've had him for about 8 months now i bought him back in july of 2012 from a farm store and he's been the only bunny for the whole time now. I have recently adopted a 1 year old named ZIP...